Thirteen point freaking one.... I did it!
I almost wouldn't be able to believe that I did it if my legs didn't still ache today. It feels like a really intense workout times 100 in the muscle soreness department. I LOVE it. I guess in some ways that may just make me a bit crazy.
Guys I can hardly explain it, it was AMAZING. I conquered something that I never imagined I could do. And I don't think I put up that terrible of a time for a girl who has only done 2 5K's and hasn't even been running a year.
Lets get to the details.
I went to bed about 9:00, and had the most RIDICULOUS time falling asleep. I was also convinced that I may end up getting sick to my stomach, due to my nerves being wound tightly . Thank God that didn't happen. Finally about 10:15 I must have drifted off.
I Woke up at 4:15, got ready and left the house a little after 5:00. I met up with some of my favorite running gals and we snapped some pre-race pictures!
At 6:15 they started getting us corralled into our pace groups. Next was the opening ceremony which included a moment of silence and them releasing 161 balloons.
One for each life lost on May 22nd
The race started about 6:30 and we were off!
The next 13.1 miles are by far the most memorable miles I have ever ran. I remember laughing, cowbells, planned and surprise cheerleaders. Drinking lots of water, funny signs, photo-ops and celebrating every mile. I soaked in every memory that I could and I never once thought that I couldn't finish.
I knew that I could, and I would.
The hubby surprised me with this sign he had made. Gosh, I like that guy!
At the end it mentally all came down to one turn. I knew once I got to a certain spot in the course I would start to see a crowd, hear the cheers and the excitement at the finish line. By the time I got to that point my legs felt like they were made of lead. And for the first time I really felt that I ran with my heart. I think if I wasn't so physically exhausted I would have been an emotional mess.

And with those last few turns around the spectator area the finish line was in sight and months of training for this moment were so worth it.
Finish time 2:18:24 Avg Pace 10:34
And just like that I can say I am a half marathoner.
This one amazing victory started with a bigger one. Me deciding I didn't want to sit on the sidelines anymore. Choosing to be proactive and take something on that I didn't think I could do.
But by Gods grace I did.
The Joplin Memorial Run's logo is Run, REMEMBER, Rebuild.
And that is exactly what we did.
I couldn't have picked a better race and I couldn't have had a better friend running beside me through HOURS of training the past 7 months.
I will never forget this day.
Now the question everyone has been asking...
Would you run another half?
And that is exactly what has happened.
I already have my eyes set on another half marathon the beginning of November and I couldn't be more excited.
Way to go!!!!!
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