And just like that the first month of the year is already over!
January was an eventful, surprising and busy month and I would be a complete liar if I didn't say I am so glad it is over. However, even though the month brought some surprises I still did pretty good with my goals. Let's take a look.
*Keep posting 4-5 days a week.
*Participate in a giveaway.
I can half heartedly cross all of these off. The blog was easy, the giveaway was a lot of fun and I did go to my very first ever Twitter Party for a blog campaign. So I'm going to call it a success.

*Family Movie Night.
*Family Game Night.
*Celebrate Russ' birthday!
We had THREE movie nights, so maybe that makes up for our lack of a game night? We also had a blast celebrating Russ' birthday!
*Join a new gym on January 1st!
*Work out 4 days a week.
*Stop eating so many cookies. You laugh, but it is true.
I joined the gym bright and early on the first day of the New Year. The new gym is amazing an will save us over $200 a year over the price of the YMCA! I also went 4 times a week, but I can't cross off the cookies. I mean, I had to eat all of them so I could stop eating them ;). February will be better.
*To read a little bit of God's word every day.
(I often try to do so much in this category that i overwhelms me. This year I would like to try and simplify my goals in this category.)
Fail, I thought with such a simple goal I could cross this off but the craziness of the leak distracted me and I just never got motivated. I will try again.
Home School-
*Resume school on January 4th.
*Begin working with Emily on early reading skills.
*Have the girls write thank you notes.
School is in full swing, I am working with E and even wrote a post about it and the girls had a blast working on and delivering their thank you cards.
*Fix the wall.... more details on that soon.
*Finally order family photo prints.
*Try to combat winter depression.
*Drop off donation pile sitting in our room.
The wall is fixed, the photos are ordered, I am fighting depression off with a stick and I finally ditched that obnoxious pile that was sitting in our bedroom.
All in all I feel like January was a pretty good month for me. Although the one area I really wanted to succeed in, I feel I failed the most. But with a new month comes new opportunities so we push forward.
*Keep posting 4-5 days a week.
*Participate in a giveaway or two.
*Write a post on battling depression.
*Family Movie Night.
*Celebrate Emily's 5th Birthday.
*Complete the things I love hearts for Marissa, Emily & Russ.
*Work out 4 days a week.
*Stop eating so many cookies. I mean it this time.
*To read a little bit of God's word every day. Take two.
Home School-
*Stay on track.
*Begin planning our project fair projects.
*Start shopping 2016/2017 curriculum.
*Finish decorating Marissa's room.
*Valentines Date!
*Girls night out with Anna.
*Start some seedlings.
What goals are you working toward this February?
Linking up with Emily at Morning Motivated Mom for:
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