

Dining Room & School Room Makeover Reveals

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  1. Your little fam sounds so awesome.
    I'm stoked to start following along. =)

  2. I LOVED learning more about you! Oddly enough, I have been following for a little while now but never clicked on the "about me" tab. Silly me. You guys have been through so much but have always come out stronger and on top. I loved your story and can't wait to keep reading more!

  3. Coming from the blog life community. :)
    Reading your "about me" reminds me of my sister:: while your stories aren't the exact same, there are some similarities! She's got two girls (and a boy), is a SAHM, and homeschools as well!

    I'm looking forward to learning more about you and your family (not creepy)

    1. Aaaahhh how fun! Thanks for stopping by and don't worry, it take A LOT to creep me out ;).

  4. Marisa looks like your husband. I really see it in the photos you've shared here.

    1. Doesn't she?!?! It's ridiculous. We even called her Marussell for the LONGEST time. It is kind of funny because the whole time I was pregnant he would joke around and say "Well, we don't even know if the babies mine" Yeah he is SO funny, HA! Go figure that she came out looking exactly like him. So, I blame him.

  5. Hi Beth! Visiting from the Blog Life group. Oh my! Were you guys at home when the tornado hit? Glad you are all safe. Your new home is beautiful!

  6. Beautiful family and what an amazing story! I look forward to following you and your family!!

    1. Thank you so much. Sometimes it all still doesn't seem real when I think back on the past few years. We are so glad to have you!

  7. What a sweet family. Looking forward to following along and watching your littles grow. x Ali

  8. Hi! Nice to meet you =) Your tornado story starts the teary every time I read it about. Tornados...I cannot. I love all the pictures you have on your page though!

  9. You have a beautiful family! I'm excited to read more of your blog!

    1. Thank you so much! We would love it if you did! Thanks for saying hello.

  10. I have followed your blog for a while now, but I never knew about the tornado it any of that! I can't wait to learn even more about you through your blog.

  11. You've been through quite the adventures! Can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank God things have slown down over the past few year... errr maybe the adventures just aren't quite so extreme now that is. Thanks for coming by and saying hello!

  12. Haha :)! Eloping, sometimes I regret it others I am oh so glad. Thanks for saying hello!

  13. The revamp of this page is awesome!! Love it.

  14. Love the new about me page! I need to get on that and do something similar....

  15. Love love love this revamp! A bit jealous even! ;-) great job friend!!

  16. Your site was referred to me by http://thehomeschoolmomblog.wordpress.com/. Another blog for me to read and get encouraged. I am penning a write up on homeschooling and just to let you know that Im including your link as one of the blogs to refer to on this subject. Im a newbie blogger, please bear with me :)
    God bless as you fulfill your calling.

    1. That is so awesome to hear that you found me from another blog, how exciting. So glad to have you visit us. I would be honored to be included in you post, Thank you!

      Good luck with your blog!
