Listening to // My favorite thing to listen to is the All Sons & Daughters station on Pandora. However, the girls ask to listen to the Annie & Home soundtracks on a daily basis. Thank God for You Tube.
Wishing // For Spring break to be here. Honestly, I haven't actually decided if we are taking a full week for spring break or not yet. But I put a break in our schedule and I can definitely see where some down time would do everyone good.
Eating // Healthier!!! Would you believe it, I FINALLY put down the cookies (for the most part) and have my nutrition back in line. It feels great.
Missing // My tan.... can it just be summer yet? I am tired of being pale and sad.
Eating // Healthier!!! Would you believe it, I FINALLY put down the cookies (for the most part) and have my nutrition back in line. It feels great.
Missing // My tan.... can it just be summer yet? I am tired of being pale and sad.
A MUCH tanner, mid July Beth
Learning // Multiplication & division.... okay maybe I'm not the one learning but I am learning how to teach it. When did they start doing this stuff in the second grade anyways?! My negative feelings toward math are not being helped by the advanced rate that they are teaching it.
Looking Forward To // So much! Emily's birthday, The Daytona 500 and the blogs 2nd birthday that is fast approaching. Exciting things are happening!
Praying // For friends. So many friends have a lot going on right now. There are several that are on my heart and in my prayers consistently. I pray constantly that they would see Gods goodness and faithfulness daily.
Enjoying // Drawing on my chalkboard... can this just be my answer every month? I am also loving the massage chairs at my really awesome new gym.
Wearing // I almost typed less then I realized that wasn't right, lol. What I mean to say is I recently cleaned out my closet ditching 72 clothing items I no longer wear. It felt so good to get rid of some of the junk! But as far as what I am actually wearing it will most likely always include a black vest as of lately. I also picked up THESE work out capris that I LOVE. Coupon + clearance meant I only spent around $7!
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