Monday, May 11, 2015

Currently {May 2015}

Wishing // That the pool would open up today. We have made plans to fit in as much pool time as we can this summer and we can't wait to get started.

Watching // Outside of the occasional movie or episode of Friends I just don't watch much TV. Lately the girls have been watching Rio, Planes, Wild Kratts and Sofia (which is now on Netflix)! But with the arrival of warmer weather the TV just doesn't get turned on much in our home, I love it! 

Enjoying// Summer!!! We just wrapped up our school year and the arrival of our summer break feels SO amazing.

Reading // I am so excited that I get to be a part of Keri from Living In This Season's e-Book launch. She wrote a great book about going beyond surviving the summer by learning how to thrive. I was able to read a sneak peek copy, it is a great book friends. I am so excited to share more about this book with you in the coming weeks.

Learning // That when they tell you sunblock expires, they really mean it. We all ended up burnt, including me. Poor Emily got the worst of it resulting in some VERY pink shoulders. I felt (and still feel) like a jerk. Learn a lesson from this mama and just replace it every year. 

Making // I recently made some new headbands. My friend Anna jokes that I buy a new exercise tank top then make a headband to match it. I would deny that comment and call her a liar... but it's pretty much true.

I have also been watching the husband make the mirrors that I envisioned hanging in our dining room. First he built a homemade table saw so her could make the mirrors. DIY'ing so he could DIY, #impressed. I can't wait to share the results with you when the room is finished.

Looking Forward To //  VACATION!!! It isn't anything fancy or long but the Newmans are taking a little trip and we are SO excited. I literally squealed when I booked the hotel.

Wearing // Sunblock and bug spray. Aah, the smells of summer! I also have recently busted out my shorts. So sorry for the white legs but the only way they get tan is if I uncover them.

Drinking // Iced coffee, Give me all the iced coffee.
Random Beth fact: My system doesn't tolerate caffeine very well so I usually end up insanely chatty, very fast talking and a wee bit twitchy. Maybe I should switch to decaf?

Wanting // To set a new PR at my next half marathon on Saturday but needing to be realistic. The course is HARD and full of hills. A PR probably isn't going to be in the cards and I need to accept that. Just running the race itself is such a blessing, that needs to be enough.

Praying //  That this would be a great summer with my girls. That relationships would grow deeper, conversations would be good and our family would become even more connected. I am also continuing to pray that God would confirm in our hearts what church He wants us to plug into and that relationships would grow there. 

Missing // Some of my "old" church family. There are so many places that just fill a bit void right now. I still feel encouraged even in the midst of this time of change, but that doesn't mean it is easy. 

Planning // Once school was over I took a week off to relax. But this week I will start working on lesson plans for the 2015/2016 school year. I know it seems a bit crazy to already dive into this but it will be nice to not have anything "hanging over my head". Once I  have my lesson plans ready I will feel like I can relax a bit more. 

What's going on with you currently?

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  1. I always feel so happy reading your currently posts- your excitement is infectious… and who knew about expired sunscreen!!! EEEKKK!

  2. Oh my goodness girl, thank you so much 😊.

    I know, right?! I always just thought it was a scam to get me to keep buying new stuff.
    Have a great Monday friend.

  3. I will send all of our Summer your way! As soon as this rain in Dallas quits it's going to be HOT! No!!!!!

  4. So many things! First, I love Sofia even if Cash would rather watch Paw Patrol or Jake. I will sneak it in now & then. :) also, I have some expired sunscreen, like only by a month, I was using. Ooops. Thanks for the public service announcement, otherwise I would have kept using it. I'm waiting patiently, or trying to at least, for Parenthood season 6 to come on. Can't wait to hear where y'all are going on vacation!

  5. I feel the same way on so many things! We don't watch much tv either, love that. I throw away our sunscreens at the beginning of summer (the ones left over from last year) because I've done the exact same thing. I ran 6.5 miles on Saturday and thats been the longest run since Nov. (I've been dealing with a leg injury) I am 100% with you on the church thing. I like our church, but I don't get that pumped up feeling like I did with a previous church, which means we tend to not go:( We do family devotions a couple times a week, but need to do more than that....Have a great week!

  6. Yay for being done with school! Now you can party! ;) I totally need to make some head bands, yours are all super cute! Hope you have a great week!

  7. Desiree @ Macke MonologuesMay 11, 2015 at 4:51 PM

    All the things summer - yay!!
    The TV isn't on a whole lot in our house, either. There's just too much stuff to see and do, and none of it involves the TV! :)
    Does this weekend's race have pacers? If so, line up with them (shoot for your PR time), and just give it your best. Those pacers help immensely, and give that extra push when your mind starts playing games. And don't forget to have the best time along the way!

  8. Amen! I am guessing you got to start summer break early to! Wahoo! What perfect timing.

  9. We are going to party like rock stars girl lol. Okay, I am kidding... kind of.

    You should totally make some! They are pretty much the easiest think in the whole world to make. It takes me longer to get out my machine :).

  10. Ugh. Yeah you can keep that heat. I am happy if it stays about 80 for a while (this week it is much cooler than that)... maybe 90 if I want to go swimming but then I am good. Wouldn't it be nice if we could be that picky. Sigh :(.

  11. Yes indeed. I feel like you live in eternal summer, do you feel that way. It looks pretty fabulous.


    It does. Since I run with a partners with a Garmin I don't really feel like I need a pacer. I think this race is really going to come down to the conditions. Is is raining? How humid is it? Those kind of things. We have been talking and decided to go for a PR but if we realize that we are off point and not going to hit it.... forget about it. We may try and run a bit in front of the 2:10 pacer and we can use them as the judge whether we've blown it or not, lol. Even if we pulled of a 2:09:59 I'd be happy. But if we miss the mark that is okay to. I can't even tell you how brutal this course is friend. SO many long stretches of low graded incline and some big hills too.

  12. Yes indeedy! I'm done for the year!

  13. That is so awesome. Things are just the opposite in our house lots of girl stuff. But they love Cars and Planes and Jake The Neverland Pirate. We have lots of "boy toys' too.

    I bet if it was only by a month it may be alright.... Just be careful. I always assumed it was a scam to get me to buy more lol. Ooops.

    Happy Tuesday friend!

  14. Goodness lady we have so much in common, crazy.

    Wahoo for 6.5 that is awesome. Stupid leg injuries, I always feel like I am fighting them off with sticks. Running is pretty brutal on the legs. This is going to be my last half for a while. I am shifting gears to do a weight program so no long runs over 5 miles until January. I am pretty ridiculously excited about that :).

    So sorry to hear about Church. It is so hard to really plug in and connect somewhere new. Praying for you guys and that you will be able to make more connections there.

  15. I love haring about what is going on in my blogging friends lives. We get to know one another through blogging, but there are so many bits and pieces we just can't share in a post. I should do something like this. School ends for us in 9 days and I can't wait! Yay for summer. It sounds like you will have some fab plans yourself!

  16. You totally should. These currently posts are some of my favorites to write and read!

    Wahoo you are SO close. That is so exciting! Summer is going to be great.

  17. DIYing to DIY. nicely done! I've never noticed an expiration date on the sunblock - I'll have to check Aria's now!

  18. I was seriously impressed 😊.

    Yes, please do. I wonder if they even have a date on them. I always just thought they said it looses it potency to get more money out of you lol. Oooopppsss!!!!

  19. Oh yes I have had te unfortunate experience with expired sunblock as well...except I didn't even think to check that it could expire!! We were on a cruise in the Caribbean and the sun is much hotter and closer than in Washington!

  20. Oh my goodness that must have been TERRIBLE :(. Kind of glad to know I'm not the only one though ;).

  21. It was unpleasant for sure. It was so bad that a few days later I had blisters all over my arms, chest and stomach!! They didn't hurt but oh it was ugly!

  22. Aaaccckkkk!!!!! I can only imagine.
