Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday Talk/ Mom Talk Tuesday: Becoming A Confident Mother

Welcome To Tuesday Talk!

 The weekly link-up where you can post about anything, link up, read some great posts and meet some amazing bloggers.

This week I am excited to also be linking up with Stephanie from Wife Mommy Me for Mom Talk Tuesdays

Wife Mommy Me

First off I want to say a huge thank you. Last months Mom Talk Tuesday topic was sharing your faith with your children. Your support and comments on that post were so appreciated. I pray that it continues to be an impact in the lives of others for months to come.

If you missed it you can read about how we share our faith with our children here. 

The topic for this month: Becoming a confident mother.

I'd love to pass this off as an easy topic. Give you five quick steps of things that you can do to: increase confidence, feel better about yourself, rock your role as a mom and appear to be "that" mom. You know, the one who is always so put together.

But that would just be me speaking false words of a false hope. Giving the impression that this is easy and can be done alone.

That is something that simply put, I just don't believe.

I struggle with having confidence in motherhood on a daily basis. 

I can recall nights were my heart would break and I would cry myself to sleep out of a fear that I had "messed them up". Days that turned into weeks of worrying about the what ifs. Feelings that consumed me in my entirety that I am failing.

Not exactly the picture of confidence.

There are so many places we can turn to to find confidence. So many ways the world says if you do this, you can achieve that.

I have never found any lasting joy or confidence pursuing the hopes & things of this world.

For me being a confident mother isn't about learning more about my child and how to parent them. It isn't about reading parenting or self help books. It is beyond loving myself, gaining experience and having a good day or week to boost my esteem. It is more than realizing that I am going to screw up but my children are gracious with me just as I am with them.

I am sure all of these things can and have helped so many during times in their life when they needed help.

 But I believe there is still more.

My confidence in being a mom rests completely in Christ. 

I find my confidence in Him, not within myself.
 I know that every good thing in me is there because of Him.

I find confidence being a mom of two beautiful little girls because I know that Christ gave those girls to me to mother. He picked them special just for me . He knew that I would be exactly what they need just like they are for me.

It was a match made in heaven.

I find confidence in my role as a mom when I look to the cross.
When I think of God's grace.

And on those days when life gets hard and my confidence is shaken. I look to the one who is unshakable. I think of His grace and mercy that is continually washing over me if I just rely on Christ, not myself. I think of His calling on my life, the calling to be a mom and I mother my girls for His glory not my own.

Through Him my confidence is found. 

My prayer for you today is that you would find your confidence in Christ.

"On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand."

Now it's your turn to grab the button and link up!

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  1. So very true Beth. I accepted Christ when my first daughter was a year old and with His help everything else followed. He provided the tools needed to help me gain confidence in parenting all three. Give me a mother who hasn't cried herself to sleep over her childern...that is when the power of prayer comes in. Enjoyed reading your thoughts on this.

  2. From where I sit, you are rocking motherhood Beth. I think that it can be very challenging to be confident in Christ let alone as a mother but when you place your needs at God's feet there is no doubt that He will provide you with all you need to excel in your role as Mama.

  3. Few things have brought me to my knees like being a mom. Such a beautiful post!

  4. Well put my friend! Thankful for Grace.

  5. This was a wonderful reminder this morning, only through Christ, amen!

  6. I'm such a worrier myself & it's such a hard habit to break. So thankful for God's grace! Thank you for this reminder.

  7. This is a great post and a great reminder for all of us mamas! I love these Tuesday Talks!

  8. Great post. I sooo need to remind myself of these sentiments from time to time!! My heart is always on my sleeve now that I'm a mom! I worry about so much! Thanks for this. XOXO

  9. Thanks Whitney. I need to be reminded every single day, usually more than once.

  10. Amen Amanda, that is so so true. Thanks friend.

  11. Isn't it?!

    Oh me too! Thanks for reading Amy.

  12. Thank you so much Jaclyn. I love Tuesday Talk too :).

  13. Thanks Sarita. It is so easy to get swept away in the what ifs, fears and failures.

    Have a great day friend.

  14. Oh this comment made me smile. What sweet memories.

    Thanks for reading.

  15. Thank you so much friend.

    Yes, yes, yes!!!

  16. Beth, this is truly lovely. I know that there have been many times the only way I could feel confident in a parenting decision was on my knees in fervent prayer with my Heavenly Father to help guide my decisions. He has and continues to bless and strengthen me as I parent.

  17. Thank you so much Jen. It is so good to know that we don't have to parent out of our own strength.

  18. I love this... And on those days when life gets hard and my confidence is shaken. I look to the one who is unshakable. Great reminder for me today.
