Monday, May 4, 2015

Monthly Goals {May 2015}

With April packed full another month went by so fast. I made my goals for the month and never gave them a second thought. I guess I really should start printing the list off so I remember what they are. 

Let's see how I did.

*Continue blogging 4-5 days a week. 
*Grow my Instagram account to at least 500 followers. I feel this one isn't really possible... but who knows, I might as well try!
*Write a Q&A post on homeschooling & my gallery wall, that is finally "complete."

I can't believe I grew my Instagram that much. I am actually REALLY close to 600!
You can check out my home school & gallery wall posts by clicking the links.

*Work on completing our spring bucket list.
*Have at least 2 Family evening walks/bike rides.
*Have one movie night with the girls.
The spring bucket list isn't done yet. But we still have until the first day of summer to mark them all off! 

*Exercise at least 5 days a week including my 3 runs.
*Finish my half training and complete my first of 2 half marathons this summer.
*Run the Amazing Grace with Russell.
*Do a one mile fun run with Marissa and Emily.
*Keep logging calories on My Fitness Pal

I almost got all of these. I logged for over half the month on MFP then I stopped. I am planning to pick this back up after I finish my May 16th half marathon

*Pray more. For my girls, my husband and that God would help us to find a new church home.
*Start reading again, again. Praying I would hunger for words of truth.
*Listen to more worship music. Find some "kids" worship music for the girls. 

Always my biggest struggle. Marissa and I did a lot of reading in the bible this past month for Easter. It was really good. At one point I was reading a story to her in the Jesus Storybook Bible (the best kids Bible EVER) and I was so overcome by emotion I couldn't even read. I just sat there and cried. Man, I hope my girls don't think I am crazy. 

Home School-
*Enjoy the rest of spring break!
*Finish strong, May 7th is coming fast.
*Have more fun.

We definitely had more fun this past month and guess what, who needs May 7th?! We finished early. TODAY is our last day of first grade!

*Finish my first photography course... this IS the month
*Continue garden planning and prep.
*Make Finish a new pallet sign.
*Have a girls night out with my BFF

I officially give up on ever finishing that course.... it just isn't going to happen friends.
The garden was planted 
this weekend.
I am still feeling uninspired to finish my sign.
On Good Friday the BFF and I got some hang out time in, it was good like always. 

*Continue blogging 4-5 days a week.
*Grow my Instagram account to at least 650 followers.
* Support Keri from Living In This Season during her E-book launch. So excited for her.

*Finish our spring bucket list.
*Get a pool pass, go swimming!!!
*Milk shake date as a family at least once.

*Exercise at least 5 days a week including my 3 runs.
*Finish my last half marathon for this year on May 16th.
*Do another one mile fun run with Marissa and Emily.
*Start "The New Rules" weight program later this month. 
*Buckle down on my diet when I start my new exercise program.

Spiritual- Same as last month
*Pray more. For my girls, my husband and that God would help us to find a new church home.
*Start reading again, again. Praying I would hunger for words of truth.
*Listen to more worship music. Find some "kids" worship music for the girls. 

Home School-
*Enjoy our very deserved summer break.
*Start lesson planning for the 2015/2016 school year.

*Try and plan a mini vacation.
*Make Finish a new pallet sign.
*Work on mini home make-over stuff.
*Have friends over to grill out.

May is going to be an interesting month. Our schedule is finally free for the first time in 9 months. School work is done, Bible study, co-op & Awana are over. We are no longer held to a daily routine! I am also getting ready to make some major changes to my diet/ exercise program as well. The freedom of summer and some challenging changes are in store for this month. I couldn't possibly be more excited though.

I am Praying God uses this month to refresh our family and challenge us to grow!

Do you have any goals for May?

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  1. Way to go getting so many goals accomplished! I also can't believe you are going to be done with school already! In these parts public school doesn't let out until the middle of June! Have a great week!!

  2. WHOA! That is CRAZY When do they start school? We started on August 11th. With no snow days or teacher in service days, plus zero sick days this year. We had no distractions from finishing up early. We even did school work during our spring break to make sure we could have it all done by May 7th. At least this will give us 3 whole months of summer before we head back. But, I am going to keep her reading and doing math games then we will start phonics, english and math work books in July when we can officially start tracking hours for the 2015/2016 school year. (Missouri requires us to log a certain number of hours a year as home schoolers.)

  3. You are doing awesome! I finally started my gallery wall while the hubby was fishing this weekend!

  4. Great job completing so many of your goals!!!

  5. YAY for getting school done, and early!!! We have until May 22, we are chugging along.
    Great job completing so many of your goals. I am always inspired by your goals posts.

  6. We're in the process of finding a new Church Home too. Prayers to you! Everything else looks good, have fun this month accomplishing goals (checking things off is the best feeling)

  7. You are one busy lady!!! And school's out!!!! How fun is that?!

  8. Nice work lady! I'm hoping to finish caulking Ellie's bathroom this month and to not obsess about my infertility. It's kinda taken over my life lately and I just need to stop.

  9. Love these! accomplished a lot!! I need to update my goals. April was not the "month" for me in reaching goals. But, I realized, sometimes priorities shift :) Way to go, amazing lady!! <3

  10. Thanks Kelly!

    Yay!!!! That is so awesome and exciting. I absolutely can not wait to see it!

  11. Thank you so much. It was a good month!

  12. That is the day the public schools get out here! When did you start school? We usually go back pretty early so I guess it all evens out. You will be done soon friend!

    Thank you so much that is so sweet to hear :).

  13. Oh girl I feel like we should hug. It is hard isn't it? In the mean time you just feel so disconnected and drifting. Praying for you guys too.

  14. Hehe! I would go crazy if I wasn't so busy :).

    It is, WAHOO!!!! We are beyond excited around here.

  15. My BFF is in the exact same boat. She's dealt with Endo, laproscopy, meds to shrink endo putting her into menopause and now she has a short window and it's all just so much pressure and easy to obsess over (her words). I'll pray for you when I pray for her. Hugs friend.

  16. I know right. I was really thinking I was going to bomb this month, but it worked out!

    WOO freaking HOO indeed :)!!!!

  17. That is SO true Liz. A lot of my goals are routine or planned events so they USUALLY happen. But sometimes priorities do shift or things come up and we have to focus on what's more important. It's good to extend ourselves grace in those times.

  18. We're totally hugging it out! It is very much a "wondering the desert stage" and I can't wait to make it out. Thanks for the prayers :)

  19. Amen friend, you and me both. Nice to know that we are not alone.

  20. We start in September (after Labor Day), so that explains a lot!

  21. What a great list of goals for the month! You tackled so much last month. I'd love to hear your tips on growing your Instagram :) I love that you categorize your monthly goals. Smart idea! I especially loved your new goals of grilling out and have friends over, get a pool pass and all the ideas of things to do with your family.

  22. Aaahhh thanks friend. I was shocked I actually did good this month. Summer is coming and that will probably change. Maybe my goal should just be to not get too sun burnt ;).

  23. Thank you!

    I participated in a loop giveaway this past month for IG. It gained a lot of followers, but I have also noticed a slow stream of unfollows since it ended. I can't seem to get to 600 over the past few days. I also participate in any IG follow feed I see on Facebook as well.

    Give me all the summer, I can hardly wait. I think goals should be achieve all kinds of things, work and fun.

  24. Just catching up from this week now... you did so GREAT!!!! You set goals and work to achieve them! I set to recap my goals on the blog each month and I failed at that... month 2. Womp womp. Haha. You're doing so good!

  25. Hehe maybe next month you can do a mid year recap?! and then shoot For September and December?

    Thank you so much. The whole set a goal thing is really good motivation for me... most of the time.

  26. Look at you setting goals and achieving them!!! Awesome motivation for me! Way to go.

  27. Thank you so much. I give it my best. Goals have been a huge motivator for me 😊.
